Green Energy

Google Green Energy Purchase – 1.5 Gigawatts Capacity Aquired

Google Green Energy Purchase – 1.5 Gigawatts Capacity Aquired

Google Green Energy Purchase Over the past 12 months search engine and cloud company Google bought more than 1.5 gigawatts of clean energy capacity across North America and Europe in its aim to scale the amount of ‘carbon-free’ energy currently supplying its data centres. The acquisition was made through a new Power Purchase Agreement procurement…

Turbulence and Climate Change is there a Connection?

Turbulence and Climate Change is there a Connection?

Could there be a Link Between Turbulence and Climate Change- Some Experts Would Agree! Earlier this Month a Singapore Airlines flight experienced severe turbulence resulting in the death of British passenger Geoff Kitchen and the severe injury of several other passengers. The flight from London to Singapore suffered a sudden drop which propelled both people…

Interest Rate Predictions UK – Combat Rises with Green Energy
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Interest Rate Predictions UK – Combat Rises with Green Energy

House Prices and Interest Rate Predictions UK In 2022 homeowners saw a rapid hike in mortgage rates following a disastrous mini budget from Prime Minister Liz Truss coupled with surging inflation which led to the Bank of England hiking base rates from the 0.1% in response.  The good news is UK Financial markets are finally…